KANE Live - (FGA remote) allows you to view live readings from your KANE Flue Gas Analyser in ‘real time’. You can then share data as a CSV file via email, messaging services, cloud etc
Key Features
- A simple connection process will search for your analyser
- Automatically configures the screen according to the analyser selected
- Provides KANE Flue Gas Analyser pump & purge control
- The screen view can be adjusted by pinch-zoom & tap-drag
- Set up your user profile and any data shared will include this information
- Links to our website and Social Media will enable you to share your experiences
We now have added the following features:
- PDF reporting capability - Providing you the certificates that you fill out every day as they become available
- French Market Certificates - easily create complete signed Attestation d'Entretien certificates
- Live Data Stats - see live stats such as min/max/average values
- Feature Guides - quick overview of how certain features work
- Easier Device Shortcuts - now also create shortcuts whilst connected to an analyser, as well as previously used
- Update/Sync Date & Time - easily update/sync your analyser each time you connect